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This sticker is a sign

WELCOME ABORD  sticker ….  Taxis can be identified by the stickers on the back window. The taxi, having this sticker, carries a ”Point-and-speak-Foreign Lan-guage Sheet(foreign language communication cards)” and  the drivers have completed training methods for services such as the sheet usage,door/trunk service and greetings. The training method is held by some companies and organizations.

Are there taxis for foreign passengers?


The taxi stand is at the international terminal in Haneda Airport,which is the entrance to welcome guests from abroad. You can find a taxi for non-Japanese speakers there! The fare is same as other regular taxis in Japan.The taxis must be posted ” WELCOME ABORD” stickers on the window, waiting at Haneda Airport. They offer you”Point-and-speak Foreign Language Sheet(foreign language communication cards)" ,which is available for English, Korean and Chinese languages.You just point at the place on the sheet that you would like to go to. You can also see information about taxi fare or other information by this sheet.It is a useful communication tool.These drivers are also guaranteed to have completed a course in “Omotenashi”, an important ideal of Japanese hospitality.Every trained driver must offer you good service.In December,2014,an additional lane was included solely for drivers who have completed a course in English communication with passengers.I recommend it if you would like to communicate in English.There are other taxi companies, you can reserve a taxi in English or re-quire a driver who speak English. Making full use of those service and enjoy your trip in Japan!

海外からのお客様をお迎えする玄関口である羽田国際空港。タクシーのりばには外国人旅行客専用のレーンがあります。ここなら確実!もちろん、料金は普通のタクシーと同じ。そこで待機しているタクシーは、『WELCOME ABOARD』ステッカーが貼られています。『指差し外国語シート(コミュニケーションカード・英語・韓国語・中国語)』を用意していて、どこに行きたいのかなど、指をさしながら運転手さんとコミュニケーションがとることができます。また、事前に「おもてなし」についての講習を受講してきた優良運転手さん限定のレーンなので、誰しもが気持ちいい対応をしてくれます。さらに昨年12月からは「外国人旅客に対応するための英語接遇研修」修了した運転手さんのタクシーだけが待機できる専用レーンも登場。やっぱり、言葉でコミュニケーションが取るほうが安心という方にオススメです。他にも英語でタクシーを呼べる窓口のある会社。 英語が喋れる運転手を依頼できる会社などもありますのでフル活用して、日本の旅を満喫してくださいにゃ。

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